Annual Report & Accounts

Each year, we publish our Annual Report & Accounts. This updates various stakeholders on the progress we have made against our strategy, details our financial results, and tracks our sustainability progress. As a FTSE-listed company, it also covers many other regulatory disclosures we are required to make.
Various brands - Bisto Batchellors, Paxo and Oxo

Did you know?

Our Annual Report & Accounts is a goldmine of great facts about our business. Did you know we purchased 72 tonnes of parsley from the UK, which is used in our Paxo stuffing, Batchelors Cup-A-Soup, Batchelors Pasta N Sauce, OXO cubes and Bisto Parsley Sauce?

Various Mr Kipling boxes

Did you know?

Did you know Mr Kipling and Cadbury cake reached a market share of more than 16.1% in Australia?

Various Plantastic brand boxes and jars

Did you know?

Did you know sales of our plant-based products grew by 24%?

FareShare lorry

Did you know?

We provided 949,040 meals to help those dealing with food insecurity through our charity partnership with FareShare and other charities?

This has been another really strong year for the business with considerable progress across all our key financial metrics and five pillar growth strategy. In the UK, branded revenue increased by 13.6%, accompanied by 29 basis points of market share gain, as we continued to outperform the market.
Alex Whitehouse
Chief Executive Officer

Strategic report

Strategic report

The strategic report section of our Annual Report & Accounts provides all our stakeholders with a meaningful picture of our business model, strategy, risks, development, performance, position and future prospects, including relevant non-financial information.

Various pies

Governance report

Governance report

The governance report section of our Annual Report & Accounts provides further information on our corporate governance practices and structure.

You can read previous Annual Report & Accounts in our Results centre.

Two people talking at the Premier Foods reception

Financial statements

Financial statements

The financial statements section of our Annual Report & Accounts provides our consolidated and company financial statements, as well as our sustainability disclosure tables.

Enriching Life Through Food circular diagram